Pool Products

Pool Chemicals & Heat Pumps  in Ulladulla

Pool Chemicals & Heat Pumps Ulladulla

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Your One-Stop Destination For All Your Pool & Spa Needs

It's essential to equip yourself with the right pool supplies and best advice. At Get Wet in Ulladulla, we deal with Australian- owned companies and suppliers, and pride ourselves in offering a wide variety of high- quality, pool products.

We stock:

  • Essential filtration and chlorination equipment by leading manufacturers.
  • A variety of pool accessories.
  • A range of quality brands, including Lo-Chlor and Aqua Pro pool and spa chemicals.
  • Salt and minerals, including Premium Murray River pool salt and Magna Pool Minerals- the original and best.
  • Cleaning maintenance supplies by Aussie Gold.
  • The world's leading robotic cleaners with an additional 2-year extended warranty, only available in-store.

When it comes to our pool chemicals, they are designed to keep your pool water clean, clear and safe for swimming. They balance the water chemistry and eliminate harmful bacteria and algae.

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Professional Support

At Get Wet in Ulladulla, we pride ourselves on providing and sourcing quality chemicals from reputable brands like Lo-Chlor. Backed with scientific support we can ensure our customers can treat their pool and spa with complete confidence.

We offer comprehensive solutions for every detail of your pool, from  Daisy Pool Covers & Rollers, to state-of-the-art automation. In need of eco-friendly options? We have advanced energy efficient heat pumps, and the full range of Astral equipment. In addition, we can enhance your pool's look and feel with the latest lighting innovations from Aqua-Quip.

We cater to a diverse clientele from hotel groups, holiday rentals and  over 55 villages and parks. Our service area reaches from Nowra to Batemans Bay and beyond, and we're committed to the specific needs of each customer. To enquire, call (02) 4455 7999 today.

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A black and white image of a wave on a white background.
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